Midterms and final exams are enough to make any student a bit anxious. Students in programs as different as an Animation degree programs to a Law Enforcement degree are not exempt from putting their skills to the test. If you're prone to getting anxiety when it comes time to take tests or exams, read on. Here are a few tips to combat exam anxiety:
Keep a clear head. If you're well-prepared for an exam remember: there's no reason to stress. Your instructors aren't trying to fail you, they using the test or exam to see what you were able to learn in class. If you take good notes, pay attention during class, and have mastered key points in the course, you should have a good idea about what to expect on the exam. Instructors often give out study guides or tell you specifically what kinds of questions you'll have to answer on the test. Keep your ears open and your pen (or keyboard) flowing.

Create reminders. When you learn the exam time, it's a good idea to write it down in a planner or even add a reminder in your Smartphone. Jot down the date, time, subject, and room that your test will be in so you don't forget. Also, keep track of any study groups you participate in or any tutoring sessions you have scheduled. Make sure you arrive to the exams and meetings on time. Getting there 10 minutes early could help make sure you're organized and ready.
Stay distraction-free. While studying, work in a quiet area with no distractions. Sit in a corner of the library where you know you won't have too many people bothering you, or if you are at home dedicate a room in your house to distraction-free study time. Turn off your phone and don't listen to music unless it helps you concentrate. Don't be afraid to tell your friends not to contact you while you're studying, and turn down invitations to socialize if you know you need to study.
Sleep. Get plenty of sleep during exam week. Even though you may want to stay up all night to study as much as you can, it won't really help you in the long run. A couple of hours of relaxation or hanging out with your friends can be good for your mental well-being if you feel you're prepared for the test because it gets your mind off of everything for a while.
We hope this article offers up some helpful tips about studying for exams or tests. What are we missing? Please share your thoughts in our comment area!