As a police officer, your career is full of high-priority work. Staying sharp in the field matters for your life as well as the lives of co-workers, criminals and the community at large. Legislation and policy changes, new procedures and local news are constantly changing. Keeping up to date with industry happenings could be a matter of life and death.

With so many sources of content out there, it can be challenging to sort through the nonsense to determine what’s worth reading. That’s why we identified a list of the best and brightest law enforcement blogs, cop blogs and crime blogs to keep you safe, informed and even entertained.
10 Top law enforcement blogs
If you’re looking to keep a pulse on what’s trending in the law enforcement field, these ten blogs are a great place to start.
1. American Police Beat
American Police Beat covers an expansive list of all things related to law enforcement. Included in this are stories highlighting the heroics of officers across the country, news articles focused on important law enforcement trends and technologies, a hub of humorous and hard-to-believe accounts of crime, and sections dedicated to helping police balance the stresses of work and life.
2. Cop in the Hood
This idea-packed blog belongs to former Baltimore Police Officer Peter Moskos. His blog features excerpts from police officers everywhere responding to events in the media and the rigors of the job. For a fair and fast-paced look at the life and opinions of cops everywhere, look no further.
3. Cops Alive
Law enforcement can be a hazardous profession—but these hazards aren’t always obvious. John Marx, founder of Cops Alive, is well aware of that fact. “Many people who serve, and who have served, in law enforcement bear the scars of the cumulative stresses that accompany the career. When you read the statistics, it’s not about the bad guys killing us, it’s about other things like heart attacks, suicide, alcoholism and stress,” the blog states.
The mission of this blog is clear and crucial: to help law enforcement officers overcome the obstacles of their job by sharing experience, advice and resources. Much of this blog focuses on strategies for coping with stress and the potentially traumatic situations officers encounter on patrol.
4. Motor Cop
The tagline “If you got stopped … you deserved it” should clue you in to the tone of this blog written by a longtime California motorcycle police officer. Motor Cop writes with a witty, tongue-in-cheek style that manages to relate experiences on the job without taking himself too seriously. Good for more than a laugh, the blog details the experience of being a cop while trying to hang on to your sense of personhood and good humor. In the latest entries, Motor Cop has taken to podcasting, bringing in the perspectives of other emergency workers.
5. Raindogblue
A world apart from your average cop blog, Raindogblue is a gathering of law-enforcement poetry and other creative work. You can read stories told in rich detail and poems that circle around everything job-related. The blog also boasts photography and the occasional guest memoir post. Visit this one for a more creative perspective on law enforcement.
6. Improving Police
If the ethical and moral conundrums of police work intrigue you, this will be a favorite resource. Retired Police Chief and Pastor David Couper fills his easy-to-browse blog with ideas for improving the police force and its interaction with society as a whole. An excellent read for reform-minded officers seeking perspective.
7. POLICE Magazine blog
POLICE Magazine features curated blogs for the topics you’re interested in. Each is well-written and expansive, and you’ll be sure to find answers to your questions and new topics that intrigue you. They have entire blogs dedicated to everything from SWAT training to police automobiles and women in law enforcement. Each section features a wealth of opinions and news, making the POLICE Magazine blogs an excellent resource for law enforcement pros.
8. The Graveyard Shift
Lee Lofland, a veteran police investigator, writes with humor on topics ranging from the day-to-day, often mundane, routine of a police officer, to the terror-induced moments that can escalate in the blink of an eye. Lofland’s easy-to-read, witty posts will keep you entertained while you learn.
9. LAPD blog
If you’re intrigued by current events and desire up-to-the-minute reports, you’ll want to follow the LAPD blog closely. The Los Angeles Police Department keeps this crime blog updated with detailed descriptions of the crimes and the follow-ups occurring in L.A. If you love “Law & Order,” consider this the “real life” version.
10. Chief Kristen Ziman
As head of the Aurora, Illinois, police department, Chief Kristen Ziman provides a unique perspective into law enforcement. Though many of her posts deal with issues her community is facing, she writes with a global perspective, relating her community’s issues to similar situations around the country and the world. Topics include pressing issues like hate crimes and police job satisfaction. With experience in domestic violence reduction, field training, patrol and community-oriented policing, she’s up for taking on any challenge on her blog.
Keep a pulse on the industry
Now that you’ve had a chance to explore a whole range of law enforcement blogs, bookmark your personal favorites along with our School of Justice Studies blog and keep them handy. The slickest feature of using blog resources to stay current is that they are right at your fingertips whenever you click over. Take advantage of them and keep yourself informed and intrigued on the job.
If you’re still on the hunt for a position in law enforcement, consider what it might mean to become a police officer. Chances are you already have some of the soft skills necessary for the position. Find out what characteristics and skills are needed with our article “ The No-Nonsense Guide to What Makes a Good Police Officer.”
The Rasmussen College Law Enforcement program is approved by the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Board. This program is not aligned to the standards of any professional licensing body other than the MN POST, and is not intended to satisfy professional licensure requirements of any professional licensing agency in any other state.
The Criminal Justice program has not been approved by any state professional licensing body and does not lead to any state-issued professional license. In Minnesota, the Criminal Justice Associate’s degree program does not meet the standards established by the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards and Training Board for persons who seek employment as a peace officer.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was originally published in 2015. It has since been updated to include information relevant to 2019.