Rasmussen College’s Overland Park and Topeka campuses celebrated their first graduating classes on April 17 this year. The ceremony combined students from both campuses, and was the first of their kind since the Kansas campuses opened in spring 2013.

Graduation was a highly-anticipated event for the campuses, as the faculty and staff got to see students execute the goals they set for themselves upon enrollment. Additionally, both campuses worked very hard toward graduation day and they are glad to see so many students walk away with degrees
“With this being our first graduating class, this group has set the bar high for our future graduating classes,” said Jay Buchholz, Rasmussen College Overland Park campus director.
Buchholz believes this is a turning point for the campuses.
“Students often model their behaviors off of those that they look up to,” Buchholz said. “Our existing students will see the success that their fellow students had and be more resilient in overcoming obstacles as they navigate towards graduation.”
Since opening the doors for students, there have been some changes. There are more students, and the energy that the students bring to campus makes a big difference, Buchholz said.
The campuses will continue to graduate students on a quarterly basis. Based on current graduate projections, Buchholz anticipates the next ceremony in spring of 2016 for all graduates from June 2015 through April 2016.